Monday, December 3, 2012

The Malebranche Reductio

     Thanks theists! That God sustains the Cosmos means that yes, when I fall, He did it with gravity. Ti's His for guiding gravity responsibility.
      Phillipe Malebranche's occasionalism enters our argumentation. Lamberth's the Malebranche Reductio notes that occasionalism posits Him as the real force when we hit a ball, not we ourselves. This evidences Him as that Primary Cause and Sufficient Reason.some secondary causes that we are!  Malebranche reduces to absurdity unwittingly theism!
     How could putative Deity act in the Cosmos anyway? By the magic of let it be!Until theists can at least adumbrate how He acts, they put forth a pseudo-explanation.
     Fideists beg the question  and use the argument from ignorance for their speciousness.
     Leucippus notes that necessity rules.  I include for now randomness as a part of it.
     Natural causes need no transcendental "boss." Why, contradict science with that vacuous entity indirectly? Theistic evolution is just an oxy-moronic obscurantism!
     To pontificate that why, evolution is His manner of creation is just to posit the superstition of animism, only the reduced form called theism as Lamberth's reduced animism argument notes.

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